Well, when you buy a new boat from Geelong Marine World and you don’t have much or any experience in boating, now you get get some lessons from Happy FIsherman – courtesy of Geelong Marine World!

On this occasion, Dan M. acquired his first boat – a Stacer 481 Semaster SE. When you buy a new boat, you often experience a flutter of butterflies in your stomach, doubts, or even a bit of fear. No matter how much theory you read or are told, in most cases, it’s not enough. At Geelong Marine World, we ensure that after the handover, we come out and teach you how to prepare, launch, and retrieve your boat, along with a few safety tips to ensure your comfort and enjoyment with your new purchase.
Also, to top up the day, I set up Dan’s rods, showed him the rigs we use and techniques how to find and catch squid and King George Whiting. On the end of this adventure, he went home with few squid and quiet few KGW’s.
Another Happy fisherman!!!