2020 march 9th – Fishing mid Port Phillip bay

by Mar 20, 2020Fishing Reports, Port Phillip Bay0 comments

2020 march 9th - Fishing mid Port Phillip bay

Today’s (9th of March) trip was a bit bumpy, but we got there. We left Werribee at 7am. The mission was to get to 21m towards Mt Martha. It was only 17 km, but, took just over an hour. As we got to our destination I was worried that the anchor won’t hold against the breaking waves. I have to say, I’m impressed. The new installed Lonestar which, it is more than I expected.
As we dropped some line we started with pinky after pinky. Adrian and his son Alex where trying hard to get on some slimy mackerel but it just did not happen. Me and Jerry used every trick in the book to hook a big red or gummy, but after 2 bags of pilchard we managed few pinky’s between 32-38cm.
Then garfish started to show up, but we only managed few. Finally around lunch slimy”s where on.
We used them live, half, fillets. All we got is few more nice size pinky’s along hundreds of undersized trow backs. In between a sting ray and few banjos.
We where about to give up and move, but I persisted to stay. 2.58pm of she goes. Half a slimy, tail piece, just screamed. At first I was thinking gummy, but after the had shakes I was convinced it is a snapper. We landed this thing that had a bigger nose the me 🙂
30 minutes later we packed up and had off. It was a better ride as the wind was in our back, but choppy as.
After all that thing weighted 6.2 kg cleaned, and we had just over dozen pinky’s. Even we got smashed around by the sea, it was a great day out.
Cheers, happy fisherman

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