2020 Dec 19th – fishing Portarlington

by Mar 19, 2021Fishing Reports, Port Phillip Bay0 comments

2020 Dec 19th - fishing Portarlington

Catch up with my new from where we left!!!!
Early start – at Werribee ramp 4.30am and straight to Portarlington old channel. Tried hard for snapper, but all we got was few nice pinky’s. In meantime Jerry and Misha where passing time catching fresh yakka for bait. Few slimy mackerel in beetween them.
Around 7am, I seen top layer bait fish on my sounder. I believed that was garfish and “bingo”. Small longschank hooks, with a very small ball sinker and a piece of fish flesh did the trick. In this occasion I did sacrificed a nice flatty as the flesh was firm compared to pilchard that just dropped of the hook even before hitting the water.
No float, just dropping it with tide, and after 5-6m of line slowly winding back.
We end up with just about limit for 3 of us, had 20+ yakkas, and half dozen slimy.
That was a great session and somehow we didn’t care that we had no snapper.
Best part is when I got home and checked the underwater footage – which came really amazing- and we seen what we missed on. I will happily share the under water video in next day or two.
Cheers, happy fisherman

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