2019 Feb 17th Fishing at Mud Island

by Feb 18, 2019Fishing Reports, Port Phillip Bay0 comments

2019 Feb 17th Fishing at Mud Island

We did try hard!!!!! We left st Leonard’s at 8,30 am to be at mud island few hours before high tide. We had fresh bait and we had the will power. Blissful thing – small pinky’s where terorazing us like no tomorrow. Then 11nish as the tide change was happening, a big boat came right next to us and keep jumping in the water swimming. We left in the shallows at mud island, got some squid and then took off back and stopped between red mark and white lacy in 8m off water. Again pinky’s galore. And on top of that – banjo after banjo. We tried hard – but the only big runs we had was an eagle ray and a massive sting ray. By 6 pm we headed out. In mean time we managed few nice flattys but no the target fish – gummy. If the 10% of the pinky’s we get., are going to be still around in 2020 – the bay is going to be red as red as it gets!!!! Cheers happy fisherman

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