2018 November 5th Fishing Portarlington

by Nov 11, 2018Fishing Reports, Port Phillip Bay0 comments

2018 November 5th Fishing Portarlington

Monday 10am we went point cook to see what is on the menu. Just before the high tide we found few fish on the sounder but only got few pinky’s in mid 30cm and few flattys. Then the wind went up over 50km. We head of to Werribee ramp and waited for a while. Around 4 we decided to go to Pirtarlington channel and we got on to some pinky’s again but most importantly we started to get some fresh bait fish. Silver Whitting, yakka a, slimy mackerel and few salmons. All went crazy. Wind was blowing but we didn’t care, fresh bait was mire important! Cheers
Happy fisherman. 😀

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