Friday 22nd sep – launched at werribeee around 10am with Mima, Adrian and his son Julian. We had of straight to Clifton Springs. Weather was just brilliant and i can say from 11 to about 1pm we only got one squid. We kept drifting and then between 1 and 3 wee managed 32 od them. Most of them nice size and around 5 just nice bait size. Blue 3.5 jig and dark purple 3.0 jig did most of the damage. I don’t like to put brand name as i’m not here to advertise but if anyone really wants to know i’m more then happy to tell. Around 3 we took of to old Portarlington channel and there where few boats already there but no much action. Very few flattys and Julian managed to catch the big Banjo. Worth to mention is the yellow color which it does raise few questions as some of the flattys we catch lately have been quiet Yellow-ish on the belly. Anyway a we got back to the ramp there where few guys cleaning a flatty. Then the squid cleaning lesson started and they where thrilled to learn how to clean it. No long after a lady with a 5 and 9 yr old join for a lesson and we filmed everything and i will have the video posted on my happyfisherman web site. Worth to mention there was a guy that came out with a Gummy shark. I did not find out where exactly but congrats to him! 🙂 Happyfisherman!