2017 June 3 Portarlington

by Mar 25, 2024Fishing Reports, Uncategorized0 comments

Launched at Werribee around lunch time and by 1 30 we where at the old Portalington channel. As we got there everything was very slow. Small undersize pinky’s everywhere and we consistanly had to re-bait. I decided not to move at all and around 4.30pm we had a juge lather-jacket on followed by couple KG whiting. Then around 4.45 the big run on a paternoster wich i had few cubes of cuda which we got few weeks a go. We just casted that wod and i believe it was taken on the way down. 4.5kg snapper was hooked by Jerry and landed by Adrian. After that around 6pm we had a seven giller pup and then sea-lice made us go home. Cheers “Happyfisherman”

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