2019 September 5th - St Leonnards
Yesterday -Sep 5th we decided to go out for some calamari at Prince George. As we got there, it was on. We managed dozen in less then half hour. Then, we decided let check the whiting at st Leonards. At start it was pretty much pinky’s and leather Jackets. We moved few times but no much luck. Our friends – Peter and Jeff – where on the way and they joined us trying to get some KGW. In meantime i decided i’ll make a run to West Channel to check out if some snapper is making way in the bay. We anchored and as we dropped we star getting flatty’s. Next, as Peter called us to come back as the whiting is on the bait, big swoosh right behind the boat. A huge whale, right next to the green marker was diving down and back up. It was amazing so we decided to get some video footage. After about an hour of entertainment we went back close to Peter and Jeff to get some KGW. As we arrived they already had the bag limit. We managed a dozen and then i had to leave them baiting as i had visitors on the way to my place. All i all – amazing day on the water.
Squid at Prince George – solid black Jig most succesfull, and whiting running sinker with pippies for bait did the damage.
There some pics – hope you enjoy it! Video to follow when i get some time to cut it up!
Cheer Happy fisherman